Sunday, March 16, 2014

Kiki Smith

Looking at Kiki Smith these days, a couple of her prints are below, "All Souls" and "Untitled (Baby Heads).

I found a great interview between Kiki Smith and Chuck Close which is located here ... I loved the conversation between these two, and responded deeply to a couple of things said by Kiki Smith. She mentioned that on a plane ride, an environmental scientist she sat next to told her that after one year, you've breathed all the air that everyone's breathed in and out that year and in her words, she thinks that the "whole history of the world is in your body"

In discussing the repetitious nature of her work, she talked about screen-printing, and despite the fact that she is making exact copies, every time she duplicates an image it changes.

 In working with a baby, there is a rhythm that is both linear and circular, and though every day is different, they are stamped from the same mold. This is an idea I'm working with as I consider how to structure the video footage I've collected from Caspar's perspective.

I loved Kiki Smith's "Mary Magdalene" (pictured above) because of the unforgiving tactile nature of the body. Lately I have been considering the body in a tactile sort of way, probably because motherhood is an unrelentingly touching role (in the most literal sense). In creating and nurturing a human being, I continually relinquish the idea that my body is autonomous.